Application STBC Products Function
Toothpaste Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, crystallization inhibitor,flavoring agent/sweetener, humectant, shelf-life extender
Mouthwash Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, crystallization inhibitor, flavoring agent/sweetener, humectant, shelf-life extender
Emollient Creams and Lotions Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, conditioner, humectant, plasticizer, gloss enhancer, texture enhancer, shelf-life extender, suspending agent
Shampoo and Conditioner Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, conditioner, humectant, plasticizer, gloss enhancer, texture enhancer, shelf-life extender
Hair Styling Cream Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, conditioner, humectant, plasticizer, gloss enhancer, texture enhancer, shelf-life extender
Brushless Shaving Foam Sorbitol Liquid humectant, plasticizer
Liquid Soap Sorbitol Liquid bulking agent, conditioner, humectant, gloos enhancer, softener, texture enhancer
Lipstick Sorbitol Liquid gloos enhancer, softener, texture enhancer